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The xps_buffer module provides functionalities for managing buffers in your C project.

Source files

The xps_buffer.h and xps_buffer.c files can be dropped into your existing C project and compiled along with it.

#ifndef XPS_BUFFER_H
#define XPS_BUFFER_H

#include "../xps.h"

struct xps_buffer_s {
  size_t size;
  size_t len;
  u_char *pos;
  u_char *data;

struct xps_buffer_list_s {
  vec_void_t list;
  size_t len;

// xps_buffer
xps_buffer_t *xps_buffer_create(size_t size, size_t len, u_char *data);
void xps_buffer_destroy(xps_buffer_t *buff);
xps_buffer_t *xps_buffer_duplicate(xps_buffer_t *buff);

// xps_buffer_list
xps_buffer_list_t *xps_buffer_list_create();
void xps_buffer_list_destroy(xps_buffer_list_t *buff_list);
void xps_buffer_list_append(xps_buffer_list_t *buff_list, xps_buffer_t *buff);
xps_buffer_t *xps_buffer_list_read(xps_buffer_list_t *buff_list, size_t len);
int xps_buffer_list_clear(xps_buffer_list_t *buff_list, size_t len);

#include "../xps.h"

// xps_buffer

xps_buffer_t *xps_buffer_create(size_t size, size_t len, u_char *data) {
  assert(size > 0);

  // Alloc memory for instance
  xps_buffer_t *buff = malloc(sizeof(xps_buffer_t));
  if (buff == NULL) {
    logger(LOG_ERROR, "xps_buffer_create()", "malloc() failed for 'buff'");
    return NULL;

  // Alloc memory for 'data' if it is NULL
  if (data == NULL)
    data = malloc(size);

  if (data == NULL) {
    logger(LOG_ERROR, "xps_buffer_create()", "malloc() failed for 'data'");
    return NULL;

  // Init values
  buff->size = size;
  buff->len = len;
  buff->data = data;
  buff->pos = data;

  return buff;

void xps_buffer_destroy(xps_buffer_t *buff) {
  assert(buff != NULL);

xps_buffer_t *xps_buffer_duplicate(xps_buffer_t *buff) {
  assert(buff != NULL);

  xps_buffer_t *dup_buff = xps_buffer_create(buff->size, buff->len, NULL);
  if (dup_buff == NULL) {
    logger(LOG_ERROR, "xps_buffer_duplicate()", "xps_buffer_create() failed");
    return NULL;

  // Set 'pos' of dup_buff
  dup_buff->pos = dup_buff->data + (buff->pos - buff->data);

  // Copy over data
  memcpy(dup_buff->data, buff->data, dup_buff->len);

  return dup_buff;

// xps_buffer_list

xps_buffer_list_t *xps_buffer_list_create() {
  // Alloc memory for instance
  xps_buffer_list_t *buff_list = malloc(sizeof(xps_buffer_list_t));
  if (buff_list == NULL) {
    logger(LOG_ERROR, "xps_buffer_list_create()", "malloc() failed for 'buff_list'");
    return NULL;

  // Init values
  buff_list->len = 0;

  return buff_list;

void xps_buffer_list_destroy(xps_buffer_list_t *buff_list) {
  assert(buff_list != NULL);

  // Destroy buffers in the list
  for (int i = 0; i < buff_list->list.length; i++) {
    xps_buffer_t *curr_buff = buff_list->[i];


void xps_buffer_list_append(xps_buffer_list_t *buff_list, xps_buffer_t *buff) {
  assert(buff_list != NULL);
  assert(buff != NULL);

  vec_push(&(buff_list->list), (void *)buff);

  buff_list->len += buff->len;

xps_buffer_t *xps_buffer_list_read(xps_buffer_list_t *buff_list, size_t len) {
  assert(buff_list != NULL);
  assert(len > 0);

  // Check if requested length is available
  if (buff_list->len < len) {
    logger(LOG_ERROR, "xps_buffer_list_read()", "requested length not available");
    return NULL;

  // Buffer to be returned
  xps_buffer_t *buff = xps_buffer_create(len, len, NULL);
  if (buff == NULL) {
    logger(LOG_ERROR, "xps_buffer_list_read()", "xps_buffer_create() failed");
    return NULL;

  size_t curr_len = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < buff_list->list.length && curr_len < len; i++) {
    xps_buffer_t *curr_buff = buff_list->[i];

    // Condition where full buffer can be copied
    if ((curr_len + curr_buff->len) <= len) {
      memcpy(buff->data + curr_len, curr_buff->data, curr_buff->len);
      curr_len += curr_buff->len;
    // Condition where partial buffer has to be copied
    else {
      size_t len_diff = len - curr_len;
      memcpy(buff->data + curr_len, curr_buff->data, len_diff);
      curr_len += len_diff;

  return buff;

int xps_buffer_list_clear(xps_buffer_list_t *buff_list, size_t len) {
  assert(buff_list != NULL);

  if (len == 0)
    return OK;

  // Check if requested length is available
  if (buff_list->len < len) {
    logger(LOG_ERROR, "xps_buffer_list_clear()", "requested length not available");
    return E_FAIL;

  size_t to_clear_len = len;
  for (int i = 0; i < buff_list->list.length && to_clear_len > 0; i++) {
    xps_buffer_t *curr_buff = buff_list->[i];

    // Condition where full buffer can be destroyed
    if (to_clear_len >= curr_buff->len) {
      to_clear_len -= curr_buff->len;
      buff_list->[i] = NULL;
    // Condition where partial buffer has to be cleared
    else {
      memmove(curr_buff->data, curr_buff->data + to_clear_len, curr_buff->len - to_clear_len);
      curr_buff->len -= to_clear_len;
      to_clear_len = 0;

  buff_list->len -= len;

  return OK;



Structure representing an individual buffer:

  • size_t size: Total allocated size of the buffer
  • size_t len: Current length of data in the buffer
  • u_char *pos: Pointer to the current position in the buffer
  • u_char *data: Pointer to the buffer data


Structure representing a list of buffers:

  • vec_void_t list: List of all buffers
  • size_t len: Total length of data across all buffers in the list


Here are some basics examples of the xps_buffer module:

// Create a buffer list
xps_buffer_list_t *buff_list = xps_buffer_list_create();

// Create a buffer
xps_buffer_t *buff = xps_buffer_create(1024, 0, NULL);

// Append buffer to the list
xps_buffer_list_append(buff_list, buff);

// Read data from the buffer list
xps_buffer_t *read_buff = xps_buffer_list_read(buff_list, buff_list->len);

// Clear data from the buffer list
xps_buffer_list_clear(buff_list, 512);

// Destroy buffer and buffer list


xps_buffer_create(size, len, data)

Creates a new buffer with the specified size, length, and initial data, allocating memory for the buffer and initializing its properties.

  • size_t size: Total size of the buffer
  • size_t len: Initial length of data in the buffer
  • u_char *data: Pointer to the initial data (can be NULL)

If the data parameter is NULL, memory for the buffer data will also be allocated.


Destroys the specified buffer, releasing the memory allocated for the buffer data and the buffer structure itself.

  • xps_buffer_t *buff: Pointer to the buffer to be destroyed


Creates a duplicate of the specified buffer, allocating memory for the new buffer data and copying the data from the original buffer.

  • xps_buffer_t *buff: Pointer to the buffer to be duplicated


Creates a new buffer list by allocating memory for a new buffer list and initializes its properties, used to store multiple buffers.


Destroys the specified buffer list, releasing the memory allocated for the buffer list structure and calling xps_buffer_destroy() for each buffer in the list to release their memory.

  • xps_buffer_list_t *buff_list: Pointer to the buffer list to be destroyed

xps_buffer_list_append(buff_list, buff)

Appends the specified buffer to the buffer list, adding it to the end of the buffer list.

  • xps_buffer_list_t *buff_list: Pointer to the buffer list
  • xps_buffer_t *buff: Pointer to the buffer to be appended

xps_buffer_list_read(buff_list, len)

Reads data from the buffer list with the specified length, returning a new buffer containing the read data.

  • xps_buffer_list_t *buff_list: Pointer to the buffer list
  • size_t len: Length of data to be read from the buffer list

xps_buffer_list_clear(buff_list, len)

Clears data from the buffer list with the specified length, removing data from the beginning of the buffer list and adjusting the lengths of individual buffers accordingly.

  • xps_buffer_list_t *buff_list: Pointer to the buffer list
  • size_t len: Length of data to be cleared from the buffer list